March 10, 2013


It has been so long since I blogged... It's not that I don't have the time, it's that I can never get on a computer without Miles deciding he should come over and press every button on the keyboard. It makes for a giant challenge that I have just not wanted to deal with. Plus Carl and I got new phones and getting photos off our phones is a GIANT pain. I am not even sure I know how to get pictures off my phone without deleting every picture and app on there. Oh well, I guess I will just have to see if I can manage... as for now, you'll have to be content with a few I've loaded on facebook :)

1. Carl and I decided, after inspiration form Pinterest, that we'd make Miles a play kitchen. I wanted something he could use to pretend cook and I almost bought him a play table to cook on... but last minute I decided I didn't have room for a big table that wasn't 100% what I wanted. I found some fun things on pinterest when I was looking for play room inspiration and asked Carl what he thought. He said he'd love to make one for Miles and that, even though he had never done anything like that, was totally willing to give it a try. Here is what we did:
We bought a used entertainment center for a wopping $15 at the goodwill

Carl painted it with primer and made a taller shelf/counter
Miles supervised :)

Carl cut holes for the sink and faucet (it was super convenient that our neighbors just got a new kitchen faucet and gave us their old one!)
Carl painted it

Cut out all the doors and made the stove burners- this is close to what the finished kitchen will look like, but Carl is finishing it while Miles and I are visiting my mom.

2. I started making felt food for Miles to play with in his kitchen. I already had some felt leftover from another project and because of a tight budget, I figured this would be the perfect way to help Miles have play food. I have been working on it on and off for a few days and have managed to make 4 eggs and 4 bacon... then I will be moving on to pancakes! Here are a few pictures:

Miles already likes to "eat" the bacon and eggs and thinks it's funny to say na na na (nom nom) and make you eat them too.

3. Carl is in the home stretch of med school. He has only 2 months left and then we are off to Vegas for residency! I am so excited. Right now, he is in another tough rotation (the last one tough one!) and has a busy schedule... the rotation he was on before had a light schedule but had 5 overnights! Needless to say, Miles and I have been spending a lot of time with my mom so Carl could sleep. We were there for one overnight and it resulted in a co-nap with Miles and Carl... it was so cute to watch them sleeping that I had to take a picture

4. Miles is doing so much more... I don't even know what to post as the new things because they aren't new anymore and I'm not sure what things are new.... he climbs everything, loves to watch either The Lorax (which he calls na-na because of a song they sing) or Lion King (which he just rars at you when he wants this one), he still loves to read and now enjoys reading the same book over and over and over again (instead of just wanting new ones), he loves outside and if he hears you say go he will go to the front door and say ba-ba (for bye-bye) over and over again until you either leave or break his heart and say no.... he loves to go places but isn't super great at being most places without having something to play with.

5. Miles LOVES the zoo and aquarium. He asks for it by making every animal noise he knows is there... he will loop the sounds- rar (lion), neigh-neigh (zebra), du (duck), he makes a breathing gorilla sound, he'll say bur-a for giraffe, and then he does the water animal noises- clicking (for shark and crab), na (for nemo), pa-pa (fish sound), and baaaa-baaaa (for bloom bloom the jelly fish noise). It is so cute... if we go to the zoo or aquarium more than once a week, he will ask for it in his sleep. He rolls over and will rarr. It is funny... he just loves animals so much. It makes me wonder if he'll be a zoologist or something.

6. We are planning a trip to Disneyland in April. Maybe we are crazy for taking a toddler under 2, but I have no expectations to do all the adult rides and just want Miles to see something different and fun. I think I'll be a fun trip and a great way to celebrate Carl graduating... plus who knows when we'll get to do another vacation?

7. I am so excited to move. I'm hoping for a house with a yard. Our yard is all rock and SO small. It isn't really a place Miles can play. When we play outside it is in the front yard only. I am so excited for Miles to have a place he can run around and play in. Plus he really needs more room inside to play too. When we visit my mom, he runs everywhere... he loves to run to the kitchen and run back into the living room... at our house, there is NO room to run at all. Our house is just getting too small for our growing family.

8. I am also looking forward to Easter. This is the first one Miles will really understand. I can't wait to dye eggs and do an egg hunt with him. I think we'll do one inside and maybe one outside too (depending on how fun it is for him). I'm looking forward to him getting an Easter basket and doing all the fun Easter stuff... I think we're going to spread it all out and do a week of fun Easter stuff :)

9. Miles has started growing more! At his 18 month check up (I know that was a whole 2 months ago!) he had gained almost 2 lbs and 2 inches since October... I think he has gotten even taller and bigger since then. He decided that the last 3 months were growing time. He finally fits into size 24 months and seems to almost be too big for them. I think by the time spring and shorts roll around he will be in the next size up. We'll see though.. he tends to not do what I think he will (like being in size 18 months for a whole year!).

As of 1/24/13 he was 33.4 in tall and 28.6 lbs!

10. I'm already starting Christmas shopping for next year :) I found a few REALLY good deals online and have already gotten 2 gifts that cost me about $3 total. I love finding good deals and am so excited to see the cool stuff I bought.

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