September 26, 2011

New CLOTH Diapers

If you don't want to hear about my views on cloth diapering, don't read this blog... just skip it and read another post. I really am warning you, I am going to tell you exactly why I decided to go for cloth, so if you are totally against it, just go ahead and stop reading... no one has to know.

For my birthday, my mom decided to go halfsies with me and split the cost of cloth diapers.

The diapers are called fuzzibunz and are really cute! They are a pocket diaper and are really easy to use, did I say cute??, and will grow with Miles until he is 30 lbs! We will be able to use them for Miles and 2 more kids after him.....after that we might have to buy new ones (or they might STILL be good to use, if we take good care of them). I absolutely LOVE these diapers! We still have some disposable diapers from the medical school diaper shower that was thrown for us, but I think those will mostly be used for when we are traveling.

If anyone is thinking about cloth diapers and wondering why in the world I would want to do them, just read this and this. Using cloth diapers is good for the environment AND will save you TONS of money! It is so great and easy... it is NOT like how cloth diapers used to be... no pins or touching any poop. I really love the diapers so far and am so excited about how they look on Miles. (Also, as a side note... ladies think about wearing a pad, is it comfy? NO, so why would you want your baby to be in something like that 24/7 for 2+ years? It is just one more reason I like cloth diapers, they are so soft!)

Anyway... sorry for the rant, but I just really love them. Here is my little model wearing a yellow one (We bought them in blue, green, cream, red, and white.. SO cute!)

here he was laughing at Carl

He noticed I had my phone and decided to give me a very serious look, but the diaper is still cute!!

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